Come Meet Us!
Sunday Services:
9:15am & 11:00am
Wednesday Service:
Saturday Service:
We have a ton of content here on our page, from weekly service information to event announcements all geared towards your student. Our desire to impact the youth of the next generation goes much farther than just in our youth room. We hope we can be used as tools in God’s hand to make a difference in your students life and see His Kingdom expanded.
If you are new to Wildwood or your student just moved into Jr. High we would love the opportunity to meet you and have your student meet our team. Please stop by during one of our services to say hi!
Stay connected with us by texting “WYJHIGH” to 855.956.0665
Weekly Bible Verses // Digital Church Reminders // Submit Prayer Requests
Ask Questions // Event Information
If you are interested in serving in the J-high Ministry at Wildwood, you can fill out an application by clicking the button below.